1318 Blanshard St, Victoria, BC V8W 2J1 250-384-4175

Children’s Exams

Our children’s eye examination is more than just a measure of sight. We evaluate a child’s vision, meaning we test for eye teaming, focusing, depth perception, visual tracking and other visual perceptual disorders.

Vision includes the gathering of information by the eyes, the processing of the visual information by the brain, and the integration of that information with the body.

Any breakdown in this complex system can contribute to decreased academic performance. Many bright, gifted children with perfect distance eyesight suffer from vision problems that can create barriers to learning. The efficient processing and understanding of visual information requires certain visual skills such as good coordination and hand-eye coordination. These skills are necessary for optimal learning.

It is important to identify children who have vision problems at a young age. Vision development and eye health problems are much easier to correct if treatment begins early.

Lunor Eyewear Shwood Eyewear Matsuda Blake Kuwahara Tavat Eyewear Binôche Belgium Eyewear Vinylize Eyewear Komorebi Eyewear Lowercase Walter Wissing & Co. RES/REI Caroline Abram ROLF Sabine Be Bevel Mykita Face A Face Jacque Marie Mage KLiiK Nao Ned Alain Mikli Oliver Peoples Piero Massaro Etnia Barcelona SALT. Orgreen Silhouette LA Eyeworks Matttew Maui Jim